Things to come

I’ve given much thought to the direction that I would like to take this blog and after much brainstorming here’s what to expect:

Lifestyle x Beauty

In Lifestyle x Beauty posts, I’ll be talking about all things beauty related, from makeup, to products to fashion.

Lifestyle x Mental Health

I am currently finishing up my MA. Clinical Mental Health Counseling degree and in about three months my degree will be officially conferred. I am very passionate about mental health and wellness, hence the Lifestyle x Mental Health subsection. Expect posts on mental health issues, ways to self care, importance of mental health, motivational posts and general “pick me ups”. 

Lifestyle x Fitness & Physical Health

I recently embarked upon a journey of health and fitness, so this is where I’ll be shearing the things I’ve learned, the foods I’m enjoying and the activities that I’ve been doing. This will all come from a beginner’s perspective!

Lifestyle x Global 

Lifestyle x Global a.k.a. ‘What in the world?!’ will be a series of random posts of my thoughts and feelings about global issues. I won’t be addressing every global issue, and I hope that this section can help raise awareness and create a drive to advocacy and strive towards social justice.

Along the way in each of these subcategories will be posts on my life/ journey! I hope you stick around and enjoy my postings as we grow together!

It’s about to be a bumpy, wild ride.  Buckle your seat-belts and hold on tight we’re gonna have fun together!

Thanks for reading till the next time, be brave, be true, be you!
